Posts in RE;generating
getting that we matter

fifteen years ago i was guided to write a book called “Get That You Matter.” the short version of the story is that i spent almost ten years working on it. then i got the message to burn it (the paper copies, that is… i did save one version on a hard drive- just in case). the logo i had designed for it was a ripple. you know, like how a rock makes ripples in water?

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Earth Day in the time of pandemic

with millions of people around the world “sheltering in place,” we are not gathering in the ways we usually do for this annual event. but there is something deeply thought-provoking, even reassuring, about not being able to do that today. for those of us who have enjoyed the privileges (usually unacknowledged and assumed) of “normalcy” for far too long, we are being given a unique opportunity to reassess everything about our way of life. if we can be awake to the moment.

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