to my daughters carrying daughters on the 24th of June 2022

Photo by Luana Azevedo on Unsplash

this poem came through the morning after i had spent the afternoon and evening at a beautiful blessingway gathering for one of my spirit daughters who is soon excepting her first child - a daughter. sitting next to me in this sweet circle were my daughter, who is also excepting a daughter, and her three-year-old daughter. it was a circle of powerful women, and i was the oldest by far.

much of the day, i sat in silence (which, if you know me, is quite unusual), struggling with the news of the outrageous, but sadly not unexpected, U.S. Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. as i listened to all the words of love, songs, stories and advice being shared, i felt not quite there as kept thinking of the potentially devastating effect this decision could have on all of their lives and the lives of millions of other women. that this could very well be the next step in an unfolding story the vast majority of us don’t want to see come true. as much as i was there in body celebrating, my heart was breaking and my thoughts were raging. i just couldn’t think of anything to say that wouldn’t bring everyone down.

then, as i sat at the feet of this new mother-to-be, anointing them with oil i had made from herbs grown in my own garden, it all came flooding in. i could barely contain the tears as i sat, remembering in my bones, that we have done this for thousands of years. that we women have sat in circles just like this, often in secret, often in defiance of the “powers that be,” to care for each other and the ones to come. i was overcome with gratitude at having the privliege of performing this sacred act for someone i love so very much. the words were still not there, but the feelings had finally burst through the overwhelm.

that night, as i lay reflecting on the day, feeling so grateful to share it with my daughter and granddaugther, the phrases “the grandmother in me wants to say a few things to the grandmothers in you” and “we will still celebrate“ came through. i knew the poem would arrive soon. and, as they almost always do, it arrived the next morning in a rush of words i could not contain- just arrange and polish. i offer them with all the love in my heart and fierce dedication to a beautiful future for all.

the grandmother in

me wants to say a few things

to the grandmothers

in you who carry

your own grandchildren in the

embryonic wombs

of your daughters, now

mothers formed through the living

mystery of life.

for, as yesterday

upon yesterday passes,

and for tomorrows

to come, as long as

we can still sit in circles

like this, we will still

celebrate. for as

long as we can still sit in

circles like this, we

will sing songs born of

ancient memory, bathe the

feet of those who are

walking forward with

our future, anoint their sweet

bodies in oil made

from the herbs with whom

we have partnered for thousands

of years. we will still

celebrate. as one

grandmother to another,

i see you, wise old

women beyond the

knowing of any body

of men sitting in

judgment of our free

choices, our actions, our words.

i hear you fierce ones,

standing, new daughters

in your arms, giving voice to

the silence which has

lived in this body

for far too long. i feel you

rising, strong, soft, kind,

resolute, resourced,

nurtured, courageous, and not

alone, as you walk,

growing young daughters

by your side, forward toward

a future deeply

unknown, paid for by

generations of women

who walked before us.

from one grandmother

to another, i want you

to know you will have

my shoulders to stand

upon, even when i am

on my deathbed. you

will have my voice to

borrow when you are too tired

to speak. you will have

my arms to hold you

when you feel alone. you will

have my heart beating

behind yours, back and

back, in the long, long line of

grandmothers who came

before us saying,

“yes, we are with you. yes, you,

too, were born for this.”

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