a message from Gaia

photo credit:  Nathan John (https://unsplash.com/@jnate)

photo credit: Nathan John, https://unsplash.com/@jnate

it's been quite a time. fires raging here in California and other states in the Western US, temperatures beyond our wildest dreams in places we never thought it could get so hot, and other “natural disasters” in unexpected places. people seem to be leaving the planet in more-than-usual numbers. a beloved doctor in our community and my only living uncle made their passages in the last two weeks. i feel sad, shocked and accepting all at the same time.

but i’m not surprised. not much surprises me anymore.

it seems the screws are tightening in every way these days. there is no escape from the inevitability of the consequences of our actions, whether socially, economically or environmentally. we made the bed we are lying in. and, despite all the projections and polarization, i feel a deeper sense of calm growing inside me, a deeper knowing that there is a much bigger picture.

three years ago an amazing woman and dedicated advocate for the Earth, Andrea Budd, took her leave of this place. i knew Andrea because my "little brother" Jonathan, a Warrior of Love and Passion, is her son. she was the COO of his company until she was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and she just took her last breath three weeks later. as she was in her last hours, the message below came through me with such force and clarity, i have a strong sense it was her spirit already guiding me from the other side. i don’t know why i’ve waited so long to share these words, but now feels like an extremely fitting time to do so.

without further ado, i offer you this Message from Gaia….

you are my prodigal children. i have given you all of my gifts freely and without reservation, and you have squandered them. please know that i am not judging you- i am simply pointing out the truth. plain and simple. you continue to squander my gifts, but you are running out of time. the gifts will, at some point in the near future, be used up if you do not come back home to yourselves.

i do not have to point out to you all of the gifts i have given you and the ways in which you have mis-used them. you already know. i do not have to show you where you have gone astray. you already know. i do not have to punish you for doing so. you are already punishing yourselves in more ways than you are aware of... and you know that, too.

it is, however, my duty to welcome you home when you are ready to come back. to remind you who you are and what your place is in Life. to show you how to restore your relationship with me, each other, your brothers and sisters. if - when - you are ready to listen.

the time has come for you to either come home or leave this place. and that is a good place to be. there is clarity and decisiveness in this place. there is action or stagnation. you get to choose. many of you will choose to leave. some of you will stay. some of you may leave because you have forgotten the way back home. some of you may leave because you can be more helpful in a different form. and, let me remind you- you are always at choice, whether you are aware of it or not. and somewhere deep inside you know that, too.

everything you are experiencing now is a result of your choices, on individual and collective levels.

you are more upset to lose the things you cling to than you are to "lose" Life Itself. you have created a world of illusion in which it feels safer to remain in the perceived comfort of your attachments than it does to open to the Beautiful Mystery of Creation.

come back and give it all to me, and i will hold it for you as you let it go. together, we will transmute all the pain you have created in your bodies, in your minds, in this place. together, we will unburden your hearts of the terrible pain of separation, the unbearable weight of loneliness and isolation, the agony of living in the colorless world of the illusion of comfort.

the great paradox of this moment for you is that the only way for you to come home is to be brutally honest with yourselves.

you must give up everything you have been doing, thinking, saying, all your beliefs, all your attachments, in order to step into an unknown future of vast possibility. you must also give up your guilt, overwhelm and fear. you will not come home unless you stop punishing yourselves, let go of every story you have ever told yourselves that you are anything less than miraculous, and begin for-giving yourselves.

yes, it will feel painful, but this is the pain of birth. if you want to Live, you must be born. there is no other way. in order to Live, you must give up everything you have known before. you must be willing to choose Life, fully and without reservation, with joy and without shame, if you are to evolve and grow into who you are meant to become.

and you must trust us - yourself, each other, me, and Creation Itself - to midwife you through this time. there is no turning back. only death or birth.

it is up to you.

you are not alone.

i welcome you home always... the choice to return is yours.

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