a prayer for whiteness

dear Mother-

please help us to humble ourselves. 

may we release the habits of behavior and thinking which keep us from our freedom. 

may we awaken to the great harms we have done and fall to our knees to ask forgiveness of those we have hurt. 

may we have the willingness to own that which is deeply disturbing and hold it with care and compassion, unflinching in the face of horrors and moved to tears for all we have done to our kin, our home and ourselves. 

may we understand that only in that willingness to learn and listen without responding, simply holding it inside to be digested and metabolized in our resistant bodies, will we begin the process of healing and reparation. 

may we learn to listen without reacting in shame, guilt or denial, but instead to breathe deeply in silent acceptance.

may we unlearn all that has held us hostage to our demise. 

dear mother, please help us to humble ourselves so we can be part of the healing.

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