Living into Vision VIRTUAL workshop, March 17th & 24th ($25-$150 USD suggested)

Living into Vision VIRTUAL workshop, March 17th & 24th ($25-$150 USD suggested)

from $15.00

start the new year from your deepest creative longing!

join us VIRTUALLY (over Zoom) 10am-12pm Pacific (5-7pm UTC) over two consecutive Saturdays, March 17th & 24th with one week of “solo time” between, to create an inspiring work of art to support you in RE:membering who you really are. all details will be sent via email.

please note: this is a virtual ONLY workshop; if you live locally and prefer to join us in person for the 1st session, sign up for the IN-PERSON workshop session on March 10th. i’d love to see you there!

this workshop is available on a suggested “Pay What You Can” basis of $25-$150, with a deposit of $15, $25 or $50 to save your spot. you will have an opportunity to give more at the end of the workshop.

Living intoVision VIRTUAL workshop deposit:
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