all hallow’s eve

the photo of this powerful Banksy art in the West Bank was taken by Dan Meyers,

my heart is breaking

open again, at the great

harms we humans can

cause each other. will

we ever learn to just stop?

to say, enough is

enough, and really

mean it, and act from that place?

can we pause and breathe

and let go of our

seemingly unquenchable

thirst for revenge and


i know it starts right here, in

my own heart. where am

i still driven by

anger, resentment and blame?

against whom do i

still hold a grudge? who

have i not yet forgiven,

including myself?

and do i have the

courage to admit to my

own bitter judgments?

if i cannot see

these things in myself, i have

no hope of bringing

anything but a

tarnished prayer for peace to

this embattled world.

it does no good to

take up arms against children.

we know where that road

leads. any eye for an

eye leaves the whole world blind. there

comes a time when one

must give up being

right in order to be kind.

this is that moment.