your hope is a burden - a message to my generation

this phrase woke me up yesterday like an announcement over a loudspeaker and i couldn’t shake it.i've been thinking a lot about the state of our world and how we got here, especially as i returned to bone-dry California after a trip to visit my children and granddaughter in Colorado. i keep hearing so many people say with relief that life is "going back to normal" and i just want to shake them and say, "we can't afford to go back to normal!" and when i often hear people like me say to younger folx that they're the hope for the future, i swear i want to scream. i get that they think they're offering compliment to their strength, intelligence and resilience. but honestly, it feels like a huge cop-out. in the end, i'm not hopeLESS, but i am realistic that we have a LOT of work ahead of us and my generation has a shit-ton of unlearning and growing up to do. we better get to it.

your hope is not a

gift. your hope is a burden. 

it does not lift up

anything other

than your longing for relief

from the pain you can

no longer deny.

you know we have come too far

to keep it under

the surface. we are

past the point of return. there

is no going back

to normal. there is

no such thing. not a new one,

not an old one. that

is a fantasy.

you know you've relied on it

to soothe your chronic

guilt at leaving this

mess we've made to our children

and theirs. do not lay

your so-called hope for

the future at their feet. that

is a trophy they

do not want, relish

or deserve. shame on you for

even thinking that

would be an honor. 

such hypocrisy. rather,

give them your deeds, your

choices to live more

simply so they may simply 

live. give them your words

of truth, your grief, your

fears, your raging at yourself

(and all you have done

and not done). but not

without honest, shameless (for

shame serves no one), most

humble amends for

all you’ve taken from them in

taking for granted

all that you have, all

you knew and did nothing (if

not enough) before

this. have i got your

complete attention now? are

you opening your

culpable ears? are

you wiping the tears of shame

(for shame serves no one)

and self-pity from

your face as you open your

eyes to this truth? did

you think hope would get

you through this? i get it. i 

know the danger of

living with Hope as

my great perceived protector,

its insidious

companionship a 

comfort for my wayward mind.

but do not trust this 

deceiver. rip off

the bandage. it does not serve

your humanity.

give up hope. give up

your petty powerlessness.

stand tall and hold out

your hands to those in

whom you have placed hope and walk

with them to the end.

also, here are two links that have been informing my contemplation and conversations lately… I wouldn’t say "enjoy them,” but i’m curious to hear your thoughts. and blessings to all.

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