abandon reason

photo credit: Jude Chua, https://unsplash.com/@olyj

go. find the parts of

yourself you’ve been unable

to see amidst the

chaos and clutter

of daily living. (not to

say they haven’t been

there, but sometimes they

can be so veiled, so hidden.)

take these moments of

time, so precious, just

for you, to shed all the ways

in which you have let

yourself get tangled

into knots of denial,


and obligation

to anything other than

your deepest longings.

it is no honor,

no badge of spiritual

achievement, to say

you suffered for love.

those fairytales serve no one,

and they never have.

what if, in feeding

your greatest joy, heeding your

heart’s truest song in

a shattering choice

so undeniably bold,

so unwavering,

you can’t help but melt

into all that’s been calling

you? what if this choice 

is the very gift

this brave world is asking you

to offer up? i

know it’s scary and

you want so much to be held

in the arms of the 

ones you know so well.

but that comfort has become

your prison, a sweet

cage, gilded though it

may be, for your aching soul.

the earth calls you to

her damp and loamy

places, to tangled vines and

thick forests, to vast

deserts and rushing

rivers. she beckons you to

abandon reason,

logic and learning,

to bow to the pulse of Life

coursing through the veins

of your animal

body, to feel again, to

really feel what is,

and always has been,

calling you back, calling you

in, calling you home.

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