angel going home

Photo by Julia Kadel on Unsplash

Photo by Julia Kadel

the closest i have

come to meeting an earthly

angel is making

preparations to

return Home. her inner glow

emanates through her

smiles, her soft white hair,

her translucent skin, her warm

touch, her laughter, her

words of praise and hope.

she has never once expressed

fear about dying,

only acceptance 

and a sweet eagerness to

be reunited with

the Great One by whom

she feels so completely held.

she never ceases

to amaze me with

her humor, buoyancy, and

unwavering faith.

i wish i were more

like her. i sometimes envy

her devotion to

her God, radiant

and complete. her humbleness,

an example. her

ability to

be with what is, something to

emulate from deep

within my own soul.

she is going home, this sweet

angel. home to the 

place she has longed for.

journey well, dear Marjory.

you are always loved.

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