snowy morning

i couldn’t help it,
laughing and weeping in the
same breath as it fell

like pieces of soft
sweets from the sky. the plum tree,
a sculpted cake with

chocolate branches
and powdered sugar icing,
a bird feeder and

candle holders for
decorations, seemed to drip
with white tinsel as

the garden Buddha
resembled a confection
in sweet repose. the

frozen daffodils,
ever-cheerful as they drooped
to kiss the frosted

ground, greeted the old
oak, ever-majestic, who
stood watch, it’s rough black

trunk stark against the
white mist, arched upward over
the snow-laden land.

joy and wonder filled
my overflowing heart as
the child awakened

gave thanks for beauty.
warmth and shelter, and offered
a prayer of love.

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